Here is a list of some of the many conditions that Neurophysio can help with!

  • Stroke

  • Parkinson’s

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries

  • Concussion

  • Vestibular Dysfunction and Dizziness

  • Balance and Falls

  • And more!

Experienced. Caring.


In addition to our Neuro physiotherapy services for kids (Click here to learn more!), we have also partnered with Edmonton Neuro Physio to offer dedicated Neurophysio services for Adults and Seniors. We’re excited to offer these new services to help bring our experienced, caring, and passionate treatment to a wonderful new group of people. Read below to learn more if Neurophysio would be right for you or your family!

What is Neuro physiotherapy?

Our nervous system controls how we move, think, breath and function. Everyone has a nervous system. When it is working properly, we can walk, run, jump, throw or do any movement with ease and little effort. Unfortunately, when the nervous system is not working optimally due to injury, disease or normal changes that occur with aging, basic daily activities can become incredibly difficult. The good news is, physiotherapy can help! Our physiotherapist uses specific exercises, hands on techniques and motor learning principles to improve your function and fitness, manage your pain, and get you moving with confidence, all while having a bit of fun along the way.  

Falls Preparedness

Falls and related injuries are still on the rise despite fall prevention interventions. Many interventions lack appropriate challenge and specificity to elicit change. We do things differently. We go beyond prevention and focus on falls preparedness! Watch our video, or read below to learn more!

Our Falls Preparedness Program includes:

  • We start with a thorough assessment to identify the route cause of why you are falling or fearful of falling. This includes screening your vision, sensation, strength, reaction time and inner ear function. We also look at your medical history and other external risk factors such medications and environmental hazards.

  • Getting on and off the floor can be daunting especially after a fall. Part of your treatment plan may include teaching you various strategies and building your physical capacity including strength and range of motion for you to get on and off the floor independently.

  • Most balance interventions focus on static balance instead of reactive postural control. We focus on preparing you for when you lose your balance so that you can recover it quickly by taking a step. That way you don’t fall in the first place. At our clinic we have a fall arrest harness system and perturbation platform so that we can simulate slips and trips at a high intensity without risking injury.

  • We would love to prevent all falls but sometimes they happen. We focus on teaching you the skills to fall safely in a scaled and progressive manner so that in the event that you do fall we can reduce the chance of you getting significantly hurt. For example, by learning how to tuck your chin when you fall it could prevent or lessen the severity of whiplash or head injury in a backwards fall. Multiple studies have shown that teaching older adults how to fall can reduce the impact forces at both the head and hip leading to less risk of hip fractures and concussions.

If you think you or one of your family members would benefit from neuro physiotherapy give us a call and we would be more than happy to chat about what treatment would best fit your needs and goals.